Practice Training
Calculation of PTP
A day on which a practice trainee is absent from practice training is referred to as a “non-training day”. During the 12‐month practice training period, a practice trainee may be absent from practice training for up to 18 working days, for any reason such as firm closures, sick leave, annual leave, maternity leave or national service leave. In other words, up to 18 non‐training days will count towards a practice trainee’s fulfilment of their practice training period.
If the practice trainee is absent from practice training for more than 18 working days in a 12-month period, the practice training period must be extended by the number of days in excess of 18. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays cannot be used to make up the shortfall of days.
For full details on the calculation of the practice training period, please refer to the Practice Training Period Guidelines.
Last Updated: 18 September 2024